One of my topic relating to media is reality television, it can be degrading to the point were it can ruin’s peoples lives. En example of this is the Gosselin family. They being on national television caused stress in their lives to the point where they ended up divorcing each other. Now their broken up family fight over money and custody of their eight children. It is very stressful to be on television 24/7, being watched, and judged because they were on reality television. Similar shows Wife Swap, Fear Factor, Survivor. I think recording people adds tension among people because of the involvement of cameras everywhere. There should be better regulations to prevent similar consequences from happening to another family or an individual person.
My second topic choice is news on media and problems with news media, giving inaccurate information, with hold information, and saying half truths. Recently fox news was scrutinized by the white house for disregarding the facts. Rahm Emanuel said “is not a news organization so much as it has a perspective." I also hear on media news channels discussing about the “swine flu pandemic”. I believe the situation is exaggerate, there is too much emphasis on getting the H1N1 vaccination when there aren’t many people who are becoming sick with the swine flu. The annual flu causes more deaths then the hyped swine flu. The news media are not perfect but should thrive to guide the public with unbiased, accurate information.
My final possible topic that I consider is that role models on television and in the media people embrace model to look up to are bad role models for people to follow because there actions doesn’t justify themselves worthy to be one. These role models such as Brittany Spears, Hannah Montana, Kanye west have a reputation of being socially inappropriate in the way they carry themselves in front of millions of people who follow their every word and action. The action of the role models could easily influence one of their followers to act the sane way. These role model rappers and singers who sing about sex drugs, and some times violence could influence their fans to do the same. As role models in media, famous people should consider every aspect of their lives could end up on the World Wide Web for their fan based followers to see.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Bush off the Island
George W. Bush was the president with the lowest popularity ratings because he helped this country go into further debt because of the war in Iraq. Many innocent Iraqis and American live were lost because of this war. It would be better if bush was “voted off the island” and a different president would have handled September 11, 2001 in a different way.
The wars in Iraq caused the United State’s debt to increase into the trillions of dollars, creating a devalued dollar. The war in Iraq caused oil to sky-rocket to one hundred dollars a barrel. Bush intention to go into Iraq was to take out terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but it’s been about eight years since being in Iraq and those terrorist groups still exist today.
It seems to that no real process has been made since the invasion of Iraq. And that this sponsored and promoted war by Bush was the wrong strategy to help bring America peace, and revenge on America’s enemy. But Bush has accomplished neither of those ideas of peace and revenge when so many innocent people died and revenge on the terrorist groups, still thrive today.
The wars in Iraq caused the United State’s debt to increase into the trillions of dollars, creating a devalued dollar. The war in Iraq caused oil to sky-rocket to one hundred dollars a barrel. Bush intention to go into Iraq was to take out terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but it’s been about eight years since being in Iraq and those terrorist groups still exist today.
It seems to that no real process has been made since the invasion of Iraq. And that this sponsored and promoted war by Bush was the wrong strategy to help bring America peace, and revenge on America’s enemy. But Bush has accomplished neither of those ideas of peace and revenge when so many innocent people died and revenge on the terrorist groups, still thrive today.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Metro Suicide

The image above is advertizing for funeral services by the company Bergemann & Sohn located in Berlin Germany. Written on the advertisement says, “Come a little closer”, right where train tracks are placed and where a person could easily be killed by a train. Thinking about a cause and effect scenario, if a person who saw the advertisement actually decided to obey the sign, “come a little closer”, it would mean that they were either unintelligent, or that they knew what they were doing, deciding to end their life in a apparent suicide. I believe this advertisement is controversial and out of place, yes this is a very creative advertisement but it is going too far to say that they would wish a passer-byer would be killed in order for Bergemann & Sohn to benefit from the death of others. They see making money more important than a life.
One of my friends I once knew in high school died at an early age, not by suicide but by health related problems, so whenever I see an issue surrounding suicide or death, it bothers me. My opinion of suicide is automatic, just don’t do it because life is too short to commit suicide. My friend’s life seemed like a waste because he still had a long life ahead of him. So after seeing an advertisement like this, there would be two possibility of people’s reaction. The first is that the advertisement would influence people to check out their company Bergemann & Sohn. I think people would be interested to check-out their company after seeing a creative advertisement like this or be really offended. But more importantly, I think this advertisement would tempt people to commit suicide, possibly people who are depressed in some way. The potential suicide this sign could cause is enough for me to say this advertisement is going too far, so this shouldn’t be allowed to be displayed in public.
The advertisement they created was smart and unique in the fact that I have not seen anything like it before. However, the company Bergemann & Sohn have gone too far in there advertisement. The words on the advertisement might as well read, “Get killed by a train so we can take your money”. They could solve this problem by removing their existing ads from public places, and replace their advertisements which showed the beauty of their cemetery. And the new advisement could have said “Wouldn’t you want to be buried here?” Bergemann & Sohn should do something more construction to reverence human life.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Soical Networking Sites are Okay
The idea of social networking sites is to keep in touch with people and to socialize about your life, creating a profile with your interests and other personal information about you. In this new age of technology and fast paced society, the invention of social networking was also created, keeping up with society’s ever changing ways to communicate and share ideas. Social networking site creates a virtual union, people who are connected to each other and is able to converse, and meet new people. This revolutionizes the way we communicate, knowing how we don’t need to travel to see old friends, but just to view their status on a social networking site.
Many people today uses a social networking site such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites for basic communication with other, sharing information about themselves, sharing ideas they might have, and keeping in touch with other people who use MySpace or Facebook. It is also a place where companies promote their products, where music bands promote their song, and a place where people promote a just cause or an event. But there are people who have a different intention when using social networking site and have gone beyond the limits of friendly usage, these people intentions are to harass others, stalk people they are obsessed with, and sex offenders who prey on minor who are innocent and are not aware of their presence. There are also people bent on ruining your life, posing as an individual and spreading rumors and destroying their own reputation. However, most users of social networking sites use it in proper conduct, not using social networking sites to harm people.
Since the usage of social networking sites, it has affect people who uses it constantly. Social networking sites have made people obsessed with their user profile, causing users to chronically update their own status, as well, check other people’s status in the process. Social networking sites have also affected user, determining whether someone will get a job or get into desired college they had applied to, since the interviewer who see the qualifications of the applicant might also dig for further information about that person, going to their personal user profile on a social networking site, seeing what kind of person the applicant really is, an upstanding person or having pictures of illegal activities, smoking or getting drunk on their user profile. These sites have also affected people to become less personal in the way they communicate, rather then traveling far away to meet an old colleague, the user can just find them on a social networking site to meet them. Social networking site has also lead to quires extending into real life, for instance, when a user request for a friend request, or requests to be placed on the top ten best friends list and is denied then wonders to themselves “why didn’t they approve me, I thought we were best friends”, this intern, has affected people to see that their friends, were not really their friends.
Personally have a MySpace and a Facebook and are aware of the potential problems I may encounter. I see social networking site as more of a benefit then harm to people if, the users are also aware of the potential harm, being cautious not to give out personal information, and making sure they know who they are accepting as friends. At this point in life, I use social networking sites only to connect with people I once new, such as old friends from high school, and even some people from middle school and do not consider myself a chronic user of social networking sites. I believe social networking sites a fine to have as long as the user is cautious and knows the potential dangers they may face.
Many people today uses a social networking site such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites for basic communication with other, sharing information about themselves, sharing ideas they might have, and keeping in touch with other people who use MySpace or Facebook. It is also a place where companies promote their products, where music bands promote their song, and a place where people promote a just cause or an event. But there are people who have a different intention when using social networking site and have gone beyond the limits of friendly usage, these people intentions are to harass others, stalk people they are obsessed with, and sex offenders who prey on minor who are innocent and are not aware of their presence. There are also people bent on ruining your life, posing as an individual and spreading rumors and destroying their own reputation. However, most users of social networking sites use it in proper conduct, not using social networking sites to harm people.
Since the usage of social networking sites, it has affect people who uses it constantly. Social networking sites have made people obsessed with their user profile, causing users to chronically update their own status, as well, check other people’s status in the process. Social networking sites have also affected user, determining whether someone will get a job or get into desired college they had applied to, since the interviewer who see the qualifications of the applicant might also dig for further information about that person, going to their personal user profile on a social networking site, seeing what kind of person the applicant really is, an upstanding person or having pictures of illegal activities, smoking or getting drunk on their user profile. These sites have also affected people to become less personal in the way they communicate, rather then traveling far away to meet an old colleague, the user can just find them on a social networking site to meet them. Social networking site has also lead to quires extending into real life, for instance, when a user request for a friend request, or requests to be placed on the top ten best friends list and is denied then wonders to themselves “why didn’t they approve me, I thought we were best friends”, this intern, has affected people to see that their friends, were not really their friends.
Personally have a MySpace and a Facebook and are aware of the potential problems I may encounter. I see social networking site as more of a benefit then harm to people if, the users are also aware of the potential harm, being cautious not to give out personal information, and making sure they know who they are accepting as friends. At this point in life, I use social networking sites only to connect with people I once new, such as old friends from high school, and even some people from middle school and do not consider myself a chronic user of social networking sites. I believe social networking sites a fine to have as long as the user is cautious and knows the potential dangers they may face.
Friday, September 11, 2009
"Make the Best of Any Situation"
Life has many surprises waiting around the corner. Whether the situation is positive or if the situation is poor and life does not go in your favor. The statement "make the Best of Any Situation" best defines my philosophy on how I view my life at any situation, through difficult times and good. I try my best to live life in optimism.
In my life problems such as a family member moving away is difficult for me since I have a close bond with my family especially my sister. After she finished college, my sister wanted to go to Australia to work because she had friends who were there working. My bond with my sister was close; she would help me with school and give me advice with various problems which I wouldn't let my parents know. Since she moved, I try to live life the best I can in this situation.
In my life problems such as a family member moving away is difficult for me since I have a close bond with my family especially my sister. After she finished college, my sister wanted to go to Australia to work because she had friends who were there working. My bond with my sister was close; she would help me with school and give me advice with various problems which I wouldn't let my parents know. Since she moved, I try to live life the best I can in this situation.
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