Friday, September 11, 2009

"Make the Best of Any Situation"

Life has many surprises waiting around the corner. Whether the situation is positive or if the situation is poor and life does not go in your favor. The statement "make the Best of Any Situation" best defines my philosophy on how I view my life at any situation, through difficult times and good. I try my best to live life in optimism.

In my life problems such as a family member moving away is difficult for me since I have a close bond with my family especially my sister. After she finished college, my sister wanted to go to Australia to work because she had friends who were there working. My bond with my sister was close; she would help me with school and give me advice with various problems which I wouldn't let my parents know. Since she moved, I try to live life the best I can in this situation.


  1. great stuff, you have a very intresting outlook on life.
    Many people dont look at situation and consider the postive, so its great that you look fo the good in any situation.

  2. really well put. that's awesome that you have a positive outlook on life.

  3. Great post, it's hard for most people to look at the positive side of a negative experience. In many cases, including in my own life, a negative experience sometimes teaches you the most.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Daniel,
    You are right, you should always make the best of any situation. Like my philosophy, "everything happens for a reason."

  6. sweet bumper sticker its always not good to be a front runner.

  7. Good bumper sticker! good perspective on life!

  8. Very true, should always look for the best in every situation given to you, cause you never know what good could come out of it.

  9. I agree with your bumper sticker it is important to roll with the punches and accept what you can't change.

  10. Hi Daniel,
    I agree with your motto, there is something good to be learned out of any situation.
    In reference to your sister, sure Australia is REALLY far, but it's only a phone call or chat away. Be grateful that we are in these advanced technological times, closeness does not need to be physical. Many of my closest friends as well as most of my family is an 12 hour plane ride from here and I haven't seen them for over 8 years, however we are as close as ever thanks to computers and telephones.

  11. I agree with your bumper sticker, you can find something good out of almost any situation if you look hard enough.

  12. great post,i think that's the best we can do.

  13. This is a good post and a good philosophy, I just wish you would have written more. I am sure you and your sister will maintain that strong bond despite the distance!

  14. Daniel I really like your moto. I feel that it goes along great with my moto.

  15. I agree, as long as you remain positive no challenge will ever be too big! Nice!!

  16. Great Motto! I hope everything works out with your family members.

  17. i know how you feel man. my brother and best friend just left for college so it is very strange and hard having him gone. i like the message.

  18. I think that every decision you make, you have to make it wisely and make the best of it. Great motto!
