Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bush off the Island

George W. Bush was the president with the lowest popularity ratings because he helped this country go into further debt because of the war in Iraq. Many innocent Iraqis and American live were lost because of this war. It would be better if bush was “voted off the island” and a different president would have handled September 11, 2001 in a different way.

The wars in Iraq caused the United State’s debt to increase into the trillions of dollars, creating a devalued dollar. The war in Iraq caused oil to sky-rocket to one hundred dollars a barrel. Bush intention to go into Iraq was to take out terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but it’s been about eight years since being in Iraq and those terrorist groups still exist today.

It seems to that no real process has been made since the invasion of Iraq. And that this sponsored and promoted war by Bush was the wrong strategy to help bring America peace, and revenge on America’s enemy. But Bush has accomplished neither of those ideas of peace and revenge when so many innocent people died and revenge on the terrorist groups, still thrive today.


  1. I would have to agree with you. Bush should be voted off the island. Bush did not promise peace to our country. He is not longer in service and the war in Iraq is still going on. When will this war end? I personally dislike Bush for all the decisions he made as president. Especially, the decision he made the United States go into war with Iraq. Good job!

  2. I agree he is one voted off the island and technically now he is officially thanks to obama. Many people wonder what his objectives were and why he did the things he did. Now the government has to rebuild due to his choices with his vp.

  3. I don't agree with all of his decisions, but hindsight is 20/20. Did we go into Iraq for the wrong reasons? Maybe, noone really knows. One thing I do know is that there has been a lot of progress made in Iraq. There has been many positive changes. Unfortunately the media is only interested in showing the "ugly" parts of war. If you have never been there, how can you know?

  4. I personally have not liked Bush for about 8 years now. He is the epitomy of a power hungry person who not to mention only wanted to impress his father. There was no reason to go into Iraq. There are other ways to look for nuclear weapons, ie. surveliance satelites, planes, and inspections. Not to mention Bush broke the law and went against the constitution itself. A president is not allowed to go to war until it is approved by Congress, yet he started the war by himself and sent our troups out with no backing support whatsoever. Not only did Bush lose the approval rating of US citizens, he ruined the way other countries looked up to our country as beign great.

  5. being the leader, it is probably right to blame Bush for every bad decision in those eight years.That said,i wonder how much of these bad decisions was as a result of misinformation and how much was driven by his "arrogance".

  6. "It would be better if bush was “voted off the island” and a different president would have handled September 11, 2001 in a different way."

    Like who? How would they have handled it differently?
